MAJR Town Hall Highlights

We had a successful town hall to discuss how can we reform the Maryland Criminal Justice System. The Town Hall was in partnership with the Maryland Alliance for Justice Reform (MAJR), District Heights Mayor, James Walls and the Prince George's County community.

Our panelist included: Karen Aslan, Senior Policy Advocate, JOTF (Job Opportunities Task Force) Matthew Fogg, member LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) Bob Rhudy, Attorney and Steering Committee member of MAJR, and Yango Sawyer, Returning Citizens, United

While African Americans make up only 25% of the population for the state of Maryland, we make up 78% of the inmate population. Reforms must be addressed!

  • How can we reduce mass incarceration in the state of Maryland?
  • How can we reinvest savings back into the community?
  • How can we improve handling of misdemeanors?
  • How can we use more evidence-based screening?
  • How can we reduce recidivism?
  • How can we incorporate better employment and rehabilitative programs in our community?
  • How can we use the Second Chance Act to assist with shielding of criminal records?