Summer Career Enrichment Program

Thanks for your interest in the 2025 Summer Career Enrichment Program (SCEP).

2024 video, 2023 video, 2022 video

Both Sessions run Mon - Thurs from 9:00am - 1:00pm

Session 1: July 7 - July 17, 2025
Session 2: July 21 - July 31, 2025

This program was designed to engage middle school in hands-on activities where they gain skills in delivering presentations, gathering requirements, problem solving, and working on teams.

Classes offered will include: Animation, App Development, Careers in Healthcare, Chess, Cyber Security, Drones, Media Arts, Presentation/Graphic Design, and Robotics.

The program is in partnership the PFC Coalition, Mid-Shore Regional Council, Rural Maryland Council, and 3 County school systems: Caroline, Dorchester, and Talbot.

Use the form below to enroll your child! Please note every effort will be made to place students in one of their top two class selections. However, the program is a first-come, first served, and as classes fill up, students may not be able to be placed in their top selections.


*Grade Level:


*Program Session:


*1st Class Choice:


*2nd Class Choice:






*Name of School:


*County School District:








*Parent Name


*Parent Phone


*Parent Email


*Emergency Contact Name


*Emergency Contact Phone


*Any Daily Medication to be administered while in the program?


*Any food Allergies?


*Are there any health concerns we should be aware of?


*What are your bus transportation preferences for



*What hobbies or sports are you involved in?


*Can your child be photographed or videoed?


*How did you hear about the program?

* required field.